Scoliosis, Troll and Concussions


Yesterday, we got amazing news. 

We were told at the beginning of the school year (Sept), that Joey has Scoliosis.  The Dr actually told us that Joey will either have to wear a brace or have surgery!   Talk about freaked out!  However, the best appointment that we could get was June 15th.  Since the appointment was all the way up in Seattle.   So we spent the whole school year watching surgeries and listening to all the advice and learning about braces, what he would and wouldn't be able to do, etc..  

Yesterday, we went to Seattle Children's Hospital and learned that HE DOESN'T HAVE SCOLIOSIS!!   His x-rays and tests all came back great.  He has less then a 3% curve, which is apparently completely normal.  He still has a few inches to grow still.  The doctors said that we don't have to come back for this.  He is great. 

I am so relieved!  I believe that the entire family and Joey is without a doubt relieved!  


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After a 2 1/2 hour drive to Seattle and 1 1/2 hours at the SCH we decided to take advantage of the trip and went to see The Fremont Troll.  Scarlette and Joey both actually enjoyed it.   It was neat.

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After the visit to the Troll we drove the 3 1/2 crazy hours home.  Thanks to all the traffic :(

3, almost 4 hours in the car and finally home.   Nope, the day isn't done.

Scarlette slept the ENTIRE drive home.  When we pulled up to the house I noticed that she had taken her shoes off.

No biggie.  Joey helped me carry her things in while I gave her a piggy back ride.   Once in the house, she was trying to get down so I was trying to help her get down off my hips and she fell straight back and hit the tiles floor.   My poor baby girl hit it so hard!!!  I picked her up and snuggled her.  She didn't pass out.   I was holding her for a while, she finally calmed down.  I could feel a bump on the back of her head.  She had a goosebump.  Around 7:20pm she started crying like crazy about her headache and it was hurting her!  So, I gave her 2 children's aspirin.  About 15 minutes later she falls asleep in my arms for about 15 minutes.  All of a sudden she wakes up screaming like cray that her head is hurting and her tummy hurts.  Then she projectile-vomits all over me.  Mass amounts of vomit.  My little Scarlette is no apologizing to me for getting sick.  I reassure her that she doesn't need to apologize and that mommy is not upset and that I am so sorry she fell down off my back.   She tells me that she still loves me so much.  By this point I have her in the bath cleaning her up.  My little brother runs next door to our neighbors (they are paramedics).  He tells them what happened and they tell him she needs to go to the ER.  So we pack her up and head to the nearest ER.  She throws up half way there.  Then she throws up again once we get there and again when in her room.   They did a CT scan.  No sign of swelling, no sign of bleeding.  Her eyes look good.  However, she has a concussion.  After about 4 hours in the ER, an amazing DR and Nurse, they let us go home.   

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Today!  Joey is having a good day.  Scarlette is supposed to be laying down and relaxing (Dr's orders) however, she is up and sassy and spunky and dancing all over.  She is doing great!   Thank you to everyone that checked in on her and Joey last night!

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